Alva’s on a Role; Drum Machine Due; McNally Interview Soon

Last Friday Alva gave Chelsea and me another heads up. She says spring is in the air and she is feeling more hopeful–especially since Congress extended long-term unemployment benefits and provided a 2 percent per paycheck tax cut for 160 million workers. She says that’s about a $1,000 savings per worker per year. Except just as Chelsea and I were catching the spirit, at the height of her enthusiasm Alva blurted out something about better weather being a real plus for the Occupy movement.

So I guess if we are not likely to get much out of Alva the Indie here in the office over the next month or two, so we might as well get what we can now–before she packs her backpack and fades silently out into the 99%!

As for Chelsea and the love of her life are off to Walt Disney World for the week–promising to bring back pictures for possible use on a book that should be out sometime later this year but currently in its final rewrite/editing stage. Nonetheless she has said she will distribute the ALVA Press Newsletter remotely from WDW. Meantime, however, who knows what Alva will be doing? Luckily her PR work hours remain flexible and I keep her on because she is simply great with people!

As for me, I’m on pins and needles waiting for the release of Kristen Henderson’s long awaited book of poetry, Drum Machine, at We think it will be ready next week–as soon as Kristen and I have a chance to peruse it and approve it in final form–in both ePub (Nook) and ePDF (Kindle). However if you’re one among us who still prefers the feel of paper and the chance for an author-autographed copy, ALVA is also planning the release of Drum Machine in book form, probably paperback, in the near future.

Norothian Cycle Author Michael Edward McNally

Meantime, do watch for my interview with Michael Edward McNally, the in demand author of the Norothian Cycle and Eddie’s Shorts at

The Sable City by M. Edward McNally

Roberta in Po-Town, Cookin’

Jolt: a rural noir Midwest Book Review’s Mystery/Suspense Shelf

         Roberta M Roy is the internationally recognized award winning author of
Jolt: a rural noir,the passionate love story of Natalie and Thaw as they struggle
for survival in a tiny mountainside village in an imaginary part of the Northern
USA overrun by forced emigrants fleeing terrorism and a nuclear meltdown, year 2020.

Roy blogs at:,,  and

Roy is the recipient of a 2011 Jenkins Living Now Award for Inspirational Fiction.