Alva Not Coming Home; Not Yet

Last night Alva called. She’s still in Albany. Went on about how if all the millionaires have not left the state now while they still have a tax on them, they are certainly not going to leave the state if the Legislature and Andrew Cuomo decide to extend it. Says the State needs it. The people need it. The millionaires’ don’t. Tried to at least get her to come back home. Told her she could use my cell to call the governor. No good. She wasn’t coming.

Next I tried to explain that we really need her here at ALVA Press, Inc. I told her how we were trying to navigate the social media and get the word out about Jolt: a rural noir–now an eBook, and Kristen Henderson’s soon-to-be-released book of poems, Drum Machine. All to no avail. She would have nothing of it.

All I could do at best was to get her to agree to follow my posts here and at and to return home if the snow flies–although this latter promise I can’t say is to be relied upon as it was offered so grudgingly. Mumbled something like, saving her energy for the spring.

Meantime, here at Alva Press, she’s left everything to Chelsea and me. If you recall, it had been Alva who was in charge of newsletter distribution. And newspaper contacts. Now how are we to improve Jolt: a rural noir sales without Alva here? So we just keep our fingers crossed that Alva’ll be back in time to help with the PR for the Henderson book. But who knows?

Also hoping my friends will give us a boost in the interim. Maybe they’ll just post lots of comments about Jolt on–and give it five stars.

In other, if you haven’t picked up a copy yet of Jolt: a rural noir, do order it though where with sending costs included, for $11.95 you can order copy of Jolt: a rural noir as an eBook. (Traditional formats are a bit more expensive and do include shipping.)

Roberta in Po-Town, Still Missing Alva

Word of Alva under the Tents!

Worried about Alva! Went out to bring her a plate from Thanksgiving dinner. Checked out the tents in Po-Town. There are eleven of them. Couldn’t find her but heard she had left for the Occupy movement in Albany and should be back around noon. Left the plate with someone who thought they’d see her. Along with a bag of oranges and some nuts to be shared among those there. Wish she’d come back. Or at least ring in. Hard to feel grateful with all those tents and Alva off to who knows where. And doesn’t help to have heard the homeless numbers in NYC are at 40,000.

Say, if you get chance, please forward this link to a friend. Perhaps they’ve seen Alva. And if you see her and get chance to talk to her, ask her please to at least ring in.

Roberta in Po-Town–in for Alva who is out of town just now

Thanksgiving: Alva Under the Tents

Yup! Alva took her sleeping bag and went out to join the Occupy Movement and I’m all a dither.

Ever see ALVA when she is on a roll? Hair stands out straight all around her head. Her eyes get so big  they look like headlights. And she moves so fast at times she’s a blur.

I tried, but I was able to keep her here in the office until yesterday. Then the Super Committee did it’s thing. She heard the news that was it!  I watched as Alva threw cheese, oranges, and loaf of bread into a bag. Then she just stormed out. Yelled over her shoulder not to try to call her as she wasn’t taking her cell with her. Said she didn’t think they had chargers in the tents. Haven’t heard from her since.

Now tell me what I’m supposed to do. How am I suppose to feel grateful with ALVA out there who knows where ready to fight the world just because she thinks that the top 1% should talk to those she calls those meal-headed people in Congress. Alva believes the rich should explain that as they own a third of the country’s wealth they agree with the Occupy Movement: The tax structure simply is not fair! And she wants them to tell the tea-baggers–that’s what ALVA calls them–to just stop second-guessing them–the rich–the top 1%–and think about the poor!

That’s ALVA. And I just don’t what else to do except to make sure my voter registration is in order.

Roberta in Po-Town, Hoping for a saner Thanksgiving 2012

Hey, Alva, What Happened to October?

I can’t believe it. I thought nothing would keep Alva quiet and now I find that neither she nor I blogged once in October!

Me, I understand. School was grueling. All new caseload. But Alva. All she has to do is hang around to help me with branding. She watches. I work. And just when she is most needed! You see right now is not a good time for me. Which I suppose, does strain Alva.

The problem is that I can’t find a PR person to work five hours a week for Alva–even at top dollar. What is it? PR people don’t care for eBooking? Or mass emailing? Well, Alva and I both think its the wave of the future–which why we have made the Jenkins Living Now Award winning novel Jolt: a rural noir available in eBook form at

And that’s why Alva and I are both so excited to announce that come the turn of the year Alva Press, Inc. will also release Kristen Henderson’s wonderful book of poetry, Drum Machine in eBook as well as book form.

In other, Alva thinks that if you haven’t downloaded your copy of Jolt: a rural noir, you should do it. You see it is now available in eBook form in both ePub (for Nook) and Mobi (for Kindle) for just $11.95 shipping included at

But perhaps you are an old fashioned reader like me, Roberta, and you prefer the feel of your hand on the book’s spine as you turn the pages. Well, that’s okay, too, as you can also order copies of Jolt: a rural noir  in Trade Paper Back or Hard Cover at

Alva, you know, is an avid reader of all the best literature. So yesterday I asked her about Jolt: a rural noir. She said it’s just too good a read to miss and hopes you’ll read it and let her know what you think. You see she follows readers comments regularly on So if you write your review there, she’ll be sure to see it. And she always gets so excited to read one. It really is a kind of special affirmation for her.

So do make Alva happy. Order your copy of Jolt: a rural noir and afterward give it your five star rating on–to date everyone has. I’m sure Alva’d like that. And then maybe I’ll be able to get her to blog more. (Also, when she’s feeling up, it’s really fun at the office with her! So do it for me, too.)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

Hey, Roberta, I heard you. But it’s been tough lately. The weather and all.You know.

And to tell you the truth,  I’d blog some now, but I gotta check out Jolt: a rural noir on–just in case there is a new critique.


Alva the Indie