Looking Forward with Alva the Indie

Alva the Indie is looking forward to the GOP Convention. Yesterday she told me she thought it would be as much fun as watching the pop corn pop before the Saturday night movie.

Alva loves movies–but she loves pop corn even better!

Haven’t heard Alva mention Occupy Hope since she and her friends raised their glasses, clinked them, and toasted the New Year while they sat around on the office floor, laughing and talking and watching the ball drop in Times Square on the tellie. Very informal group, I’d say. But so bright and informed and fun!

Gotta luv’em. So filled with youth and optimism!

As for me, I’m in the midst of setting ALVA Press, Inc. up for the broad distribution of Jolt: a rural noir as an eBook while also looking into things like liability insurance and figuring out which major eBook distributor could help ALVA Press, Inc., most.

We should know by the end of the month which way ALVA is going. Will let you know then.

In other, Chelsea was out this week so I wound up putting out the newsletter. Not being really in the know with it, I failed to label which mailing went to which group. But I don’t think it matters as that’s in-house stuff and  the letter went out to everyone on the list as it was supposed to have done–except it ‘s much more fun with Chelsea as we always manage at least a few good laughs as we go.

Be well soon, Chelsea! Alva the Indie and I miss you.

Roberta in Po Town, Muddlin’ Through

Alva Celebrates Occupy Hope in the New Year 2012!

Well, this morning Alva tells me that last night she and about 20 friends sat on the floor to toast the New Year as the ball came down over Times Square. The result? Alva just bounced in today ready for work! On New Year’s Day, no less!

I sent her home. Told her to relax until Tuesday–but not before congratulating her on her success in her New Year’s Occupy Hope and Vote 2012 Project in which she successfully talked all of her friends to have a midnight ‘sit in’ (as she referred to it) to celebrate the fact they all not only are old enough to vote, but plan to use their vote in 2012!

According to Alva the Indie, about 18 of the 20 had already registered.

So I congratulated Alva and promised her that, yes, I would vote in 2012 (as if I haven’t always done so)! And then I sent her home for real.

Meantime, AlLVA Press has been just a flurry of activity! In the past week:

  • ALVA distributed a newsletter offering a 10% discount on Jolt: a rural noir in both Mobi (Kindle) or ePub (Nook) eBook forms.
  • Roy, medalist author of the survival themed book, Jolt: a rural noir had an interview by M Edward McNally that will be published February 7, 2012 on McNally’s Tag Line Tuesday Interview at SableCity.Wordpress.Com.
  • A glitch in the Newsletter Sign Up window was resolved. Whew!
  • The January 3, 2012 ALVA Newsletter was readied for distribution Tuesday.

And all in all the beginning of the year has been all around rosy–what with Roberta’s son’s Gallery Ottaviani (galleryottaviani.com) after a really slow year, finally picking up; birthdays for Roberta‘s 84 and 88 year old aunts, Betty Hamel, the author/artist, and Marie Sicolo, singer/yodeler, being celebrated; Roberta‘s oldest and youngest two grandsons, ages 11 and 7, having stayed over for a couple of fun days, and a New Year’s dinner with the family planned for this evening, what more can one ask? Except to wish you all a Very Happy, Hopeful, and Healthy New Year 2012!

Roberta in Po-Town, Lookin’ up