Word of Alva under the Tents!

Worried about Alva! Went out to bring her a plate from Thanksgiving dinner. Checked out the tents in Po-Town. There are eleven of them. Couldn’t find her but heard she had left for the Occupy movement in Albany and should be back around noon. Left the plate with someone who thought they’d see her. Along with a bag of oranges and some nuts to be shared among those there. Wish she’d come back. Or at least ring in. Hard to feel grateful with all those tents and Alva off to who knows where. And doesn’t help to have heard the homeless numbers in NYC are at 40,000.

Say, if you get chance, please forward this link to a friend. Perhaps they’ve seen Alva. And if you see her and get chance to talk to her, ask her please to at least ring in.

Roberta in Po-Town–in for Alva who is out of town just now