Ten Years Post 9/11: Alva at Last a Real Company

Alva Press, Inc., celebrates the fact that she is a real company at last!

In a trek that began with my search for knowledge as to how I, my loved ones, and finally, the community, might effectively respond to any Mass Event, I researched and wrote Jolt: a rural noir. To further the word on post mass event and general survival techniques, two and a half years ago Alva Press, Inc, became an online entity. My blog at http://alvapressinc.com/robertamroyonnuclearsurvival is the product of that intent. And now ten years post 9/11 ALVA commemorates the Tenth Anniversary of 9/11 with the release of Jolt: a rural noir in ePub and Mobi eBook forms and recognizes just how far Alva Press, Inc., has come in the process.

No longer is Alva a one-person enterprise. ALVA now includes integrated professional support services in the area of technical support, writing and editing, design, public relations, advertising and distribution. And recently ALVA started a small copying service which is housed at Gallery Ottaviani, 214 Hooker Avenue, Poughkeepsie, NY. (845) 452-9227.

ALVA aims not only to please the readers and writers of the world, but to the extent it can, to also serve the community.


can now purchase eBooks as well as soft and hard cover traditional forms.


can arrange to have their books and manuscripts converted into eBooks for distribution through the ALVA site and any others they so choose.


As ALVA is yet a very tiny entity with limited resources, its expression of community care is similarly limited. Nonetheless, ALVA reaches out to help in these small ways:

READERS – Enjoy the variety of three blogs ALVA supports:The Writer Publisher’s WebBlog and Roberta M. Roy’s Personal Blog and the Nuclear Survival Blog — morphed over time into more of a healthy living and general survival informational one.

WRITERS – ALVA offers the first three lucky writers who qualify, the opportunity for free book or manuscript conversion of to an eBook for presentation and distribution through ALVA’s website.

COMMUNITY – ALVA is committed to dedicating $2 from the sale of each of the next 500 books she sells through the ALVA site to the ‘Making Cocoa with Kristina’ Fund. The Making Cocoa with Kristina Fund’s moneies will go toward the purchase of a motorized wheelchair for the young mother and writer, Kristina Jackson. (See Purchase eBooks and Books Here page for more details.)

Have you heard the song “Turning toward Morning” by Gordon Bok? These years and times since 9/11 have been and remain so much a challenge. And while we are not perhaps quite where we would like to be, signs of hope must always be welcomed.

ALVA is but a small, hopeful sprout in a large universe. But I believe that as long as hope springs anew, new answers will emerge. Not only for ALVA and me and Kristina, but also for you, my gentle reader.

Roberta, In Po-Town, Lookin’ toward the Mornin’

*For the complete lyrics to Gordon Bok’s song about how the world always turns toward morning, please go to http://ahistoricality.blogspot.com/2005/08/thursday-lyric-turning-toward-morning.html

WKNY 1490 Warren Lawrence with Roberta M Roy on the Morning Show

Well, Alva and I are off to the Morning Show with WKNY Kingston, New York. I’m not sure if the show will be done live or is pre-recorded but I Googled Warren Lawrence on the web and he looks like my nephew, Randy, so I figure I’ll be fine . . . or something like that.

We’re going to talk about alvapressinc.com and my book, Jolt: a rural noir and give away two signed hard cover copies of it. But the timing is perfect because I can also announce when I am there that Alva will just today Alva will make Jolt: a rural noir available as an eBook through her website at alvapressinc.com!

I wonder if my uncle Tex Roy the Rambling Cowboy ever sang and yodeled on 1490 as he pioneered in radio when I was a wee and thought he was very brave to climb all the way to the top of the radio tower just to sing for us to hear. You can imagine my disappointment when I visited him at the Poughkeepsie station and found he sang behind a glass in a small room and it was the radio waves that beamed down to us from the top of the radio tower.

Warren promised me it would be a nice easy interview. I think he said something like ‘a walk in the woods.’ But it doesn’t matter. One way or the other, I’m looking forward to it.

Roberta in Po-Town, Steppin’ out