Broken Links

Alva’s blue. Her links a broken. A couple of weeks ago she decided she needed a more sophisticated image evolved by professional web designers but to start the process she was asked to think of a new name to be used as her site address. Well, that was easy. She’d use the name of her subsidiary, eAlvaInk, and when the site was done, she’s switch back to Alva Press, Inc.

So the new Alva Press/eAlvaInk web site was built and Alva’s mentor (and owner) Roberta, liked it. The site had a light and area quality about it. The Alva Logo and the eAlvaInk Trademark both were displayed beautifully. The pages were coordinated in theme and the text was well set and read easily. So Roberta was ecstatic. Alva looked great!

And then Roberta went out on the net and lo and behold all the old links to two and a half years of three blog entries a week were broken. But that was not the worst of it. They were also housed at a separate site and because pointers had been used to tie them to the new eAlvaInk (really Alva) site, they not only were broken, there would be no simple way to repair them.

So here I am on tender-hooks as Web.Com and Register.Com discuss a trade and swap process that will bring all the sites, subsites, and links to one site under the name Except that is closed on weekends so we will not be able to figure it out until Monday so right now I’m just worried that my readers will think I have abandoned them or that they will abandon me. After all, what’s the sense of trying when every decent link you knew, whether for the alvapressinc/robertamroy, or the alvapressinc/writerpublishersweblog, or the alvapressinc/robertamroyonnuclearsurvival, is broken. (Which is why I started to blog here anyway.)

But this too shall pass, and come Tuesday at latest, expect to see all the old links working. But as for the new site, it is up for grabs as it is possible that despite its lovely appearance I may be forced to abandon it for my old do-it-yourself site which–although I’d prefer its appearance to be a bit more sophisticated–at least works!

Roberta in Po-Town, Displaced

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